Usage of Personal Data Gathered by ESML

At the European School of Management and Leadership (ESML), safeguarding the privacy of our website users is of utmost importance. Any personally identifiable information (such as Name, Date of Birth, Mobile number, Email address) collected during registration for specific educational activities is solely utilized to deliver services to participants. We assure you that this personal data will not be sold, exchanged, leased, or otherwise disseminated to third parties.

Privacy Concerning Minors

ESML does not knowingly gather personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of 13.

We may share your information with ESML employees and entities involved in relevant activities. Additionally, this information might be employed for internal testing or training purposes, aiding us in enhancing our website to better cater to visitors’ requirements. Certain data may be retained in compliance with lengthy retention regulations.

On occasion, we may utilize collected information to provide you with details about programs, products, or services offered by ESML. However, we do not sell or lease any personal data submitted by visitors to unrelated third parties.

Moreover, to uphold and respect your privacy, it’s important to note that our cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information. Therefore, your privacy remains intact.

Visitors concerned about cookie technology usage can opt to activate a feature in their browser software that deletes cookies, blocks all cookies, or provides a warning before storing or exchanging cookies. However, please be aware that certain sections of our site may not function or may experience significant slowdowns if you choose to do so.

Website Utilization

By accessing our website, you agree to utilize it for legitimate purposes only, refraining from any illegal or unauthorized activities. You commit to not engage in any actions that would constitute a civil or criminal offense or violate any laws. Furthermore, you agree to provide accurate personal information, such as your email address, mailing address, and other contact details, to facilitate order completion or necessary communication. We reserve the right to decline service to anyone, at any time, for any reason. Additionally, we retain the right to modify the website, including terminating, altering, suspending, or discontinuing any aspect of it at any time, without prior notice. You agree to regularly review the Terms, and your continued access or usage of our website implies your acceptance of any changes made.