Master of Business Administration

Program Overview

Our Master of Business Administration (MBA) program is designed to equip aspiring leaders with the skills, knowledge, and strategic mindset necessary to thrive in today’s dynamic business environment. Whether you are a recent graduate or a seasoned professional looking to enhance your career, our MBA program provides a comprehensive and immersive experience that prepares you for success in a variety of business roles.
Master of Business Administration

Program Highlights

Expert Faculty

Learn from industry experts and experienced faculty members who bring real-world insights into the classroom. Our faculty is dedicated to providing a challenging and supportive learning environment.

Flexible Learning Options

Balancing work, life, and education is crucial. Our MBA program offers flexible learning options, including evening classes, weekend sessions, and online modules, allowing you to tailor your education to your schedule.

Cutting-Edge Curriculum

Our curriculum is designed to address the ever-evolving demands of the business world. You'll gain a solid foundation in core business principles while also exploring the latest trends, technologies, and strategies shaping the industry.

Business Core Courses:  90 Credits

  • Financial Management
  • Production & Operation Management
  • Strategic Management
  • Operation Management
  • Business Communication
  • Human Resource Management

Specialization:  30 Credits

  • Subject 1
  • Subject 2
Networking Opportunities

Build a strong professional network through our industry connections, guest speakers, and networking events. Our MBA program fosters collaboration and partnerships with leading businesses, ensuring that you have the opportunity to engage with industry leaders.

Hands-On Experience

Apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations through case studies, projects, and internships. Our emphasis on practical learning ensures that you graduate with the skills needed to excel in your chosen field.

Career Development Support

Access our dedicated career development services, including resume workshops, mock interviews, and job placement assistance. We are committed to helping you achieve your career goals.

Global Perspective

Business is increasingly global, and our program reflects this reality. We integrate international business perspectives throughout the curriculum, providing you with a global mindset and cross-cultural competence.

Program Fees

Duration : 2 Years

Fees : €9000

Admission Requirements:
Apply Now

Take the next step towards advancing your career by applying for our MBA program.